Types of Student Loans

Types of Student Loans

One of the main elements of preparing for college is putting your finances in order to pay for college tuition and manage other personal expenses. Students pay for college using federal grants, scholarships, work-study, college savings, payment plan, and students loans or a combination of either. For students exploring the loan options, there are several…

How to Get the Best Emergency Loans

How to Get the Best Emergency Loans

An emergency loan is a personal loan that is taken to cover emergency expenses like urgent medical care and home repair due to storm damage. These loans are usually unsecured and their approval or otherwise is usually based on personal information like income, credit reports, and other debts. Emergency loans are usually funded within a…

Should i Use my Personal Loan to Pay off my Credit Card Debt?

Should i Use my Personal Loan to Pay off my Credit Card Debt?

Having a credit card debt can be frustrating especially if you are juggling between multiple credit card payments every month. With multiple credit card debts, it may be hard to make the minimum requirement needed on each card. It also becomes hard to decide which card to pay first between those with the highest amount…

Factors to Consider Before Opting for Debt Consolidation

Factors to Consider Before Opting for Debt Consolidation

When you have many debts, taking another loan may sound like an unwise idea. However, this may be your recipe out of the debt trap. This is where debt consolidation comes into play. It involves taking a new loan to pay off your old debts. The consolidated new debt usually comes with reduced interest rate….

Factors That Determine Your Car Insurance Rates

Factors That Determine Your Car Insurance Rates

It is good to understand how car insurance companies determine care insurance rates. There are several factors that determine your auto insurance. Generally, your level of risk plays big role in determining your car insurance rates. Insurance companies use different pricing factors but generally, the lower your perceived risk, the better your car insurance rates,…